Computer Tips and Tricks

Computer Tips and Tricks

Today, i would be sharing with you some cool computer tips and tricks that will impress and help you, your friends and people around. Relax it is about to go down!
Let’s Explore.
Here are a few tips that will save you a lot of time when working with microsoft word application, it is applicable to all versions of the package.

  • When you launch your application and you are about to start working and you remember that, the font size of the document should be 14 below or above, you don’t need to panic what you need to do is simple, just press CTRL Key + { to reduce the font size or CTRL KEY + } to increase the font size. Press WINDOWS KEY + PG DN button to minimise your working window.
    Hint: pg dn button is one of the keys among the arrow buttons
  • Did you know you can bold, italized, underline a word without highlighting it? Just navigate to the word make sure your cursor is blinking in between the words then press CTRL+ B to bold, CTRL+ I to italic, CTRL+ U to underline as simple as that.
  • Did you know you can make your text to be in toggle, upper or lower case without using menu bar? Just type in the text, or navigate to text make sure your cursor is blinking in between, before or after the text then press SHIFT key + F3.
  • Sometimes you might be reading or working and you will encounter a weird word that requires a dictionary and maybe your phone isn’t close or your PC is not connected to the internet for google search, don’t worry Microsoft got your back, just highlight the word then press SHIFT key + F7, then at the right hand of the working environment and see your word there appearing with everything that you need to know about the word.
  • To align your document, just highlight the text and press CTRL + L to the left, CTRL + R to the right, CTRL + J to justify all.
  • To replace a word all over your document just press CTRL + H then type the previous word and the replace it, afterward press ESC key to close the window.
  • To produce a Naira note sign type N, highlight it and press CTRL + D, in the effect options select double strikethrough then press ok.
    Technical Tricks
  • You are working and you got a call that needed your attention and you don’t trust the people around, hmm you don’t have to shutdown your system just press WINDOWS key + L, that’s all this locks your system automatically..
  • Navigating between two or more windows, press ALT + TAB
  • Shutting down your PC press ALT + F4, also know that this key combination closes windows.
  • Trying to close down some windows that slows down the speed of your system? Press CTRL + ALT + DEL, you can also change your password with it, lock your system, and also between switch user.
    Give it a try, kindly drop your comments in the comment box below.
    Appreciate ya’all.